Three Rivers Kids Foundation also supplies wheelchairs, commodes, prescription eye glasses, hearing aids, and medications to children from Guyana on a regular basis. Below are some of the children we have helped:
In March 2004 we supplied a wheelchair to an 11-year-old boy named Manoj, who suffered from severe physical disability. He had a fall as a baby and was never treated. His father is a fisherman and mother a housewife. To move about, his father takes would take him out on his shoulders. His mother could no longer lift him. When his father was out at sea, he could not go out anywhere, and was forced to drag himself on his stomach.
We also supplied a wheelchair to a 9-year-old girl named Sarika with cerebral palsy. She had never been outside her home, and her parents are seperated. Her mother has 6 children. She kept the 11-year-old at home so that she could take care of Sarika, thus enabling the mother to go to work. Now with the aid of the wheelchair, this child is taken to a baby sitter and the 11-year-old can go to school.
At 9 years old, Parbattee, from Enmore suffers from permanent disability. The wheelchair in the picture was donated in May, 2004.
Above is one of two 9 year old twins named Nandani and Nandishari Hansraj from Canal No. 1. This wheelchair was donated in May, 2004.